As we journey through this Winter season, our hair will face many challenges. If it's not the extreme change in weather conditions, it's the split ends and the slightly dryer feeling we seem to get at this time of the year. Most of my clients tell me that they are doing everything they can to keep their hair hydrated but it just doesn't seem to be working.
Black hair can become much dryer in the winter months finding it difficult to hold onto moisture. I find that there is a noticeable difference in the quality and texture of my own hair as soon as the Winter season hits. During the Winter season, the air becomes much colder and dryer often lacking moisture and so it compensates for this by sucking the moisture out of our hair. If you work in an office the heating systems are often on all day causing your hair to dry out. Healthy fresh foods contains lots of water keeping the body moisturised but most people tend to comfort eat in the winter often preventing the body from getting the hydration it needs.
If you are a religious hair carer then you're in a good position but now you need to 'up' the moisturising part of your hair care regime. If your new to hair care your also in a good position because now is the perfect time to start enjoying the benefits of moisturising your hair.
How to keep on top of moisturising
Well first of all its important to make sure that your foundation is right and that your moisturising your hair properly.
Get your Foundation right
When teaching my clients about moisture I always explain that moisture should be built into your hair over a period of time, usually in between washes. It's a bit like stacking pancakes on top of each other, so rather than putting all of the moisture into your hair in one go (usually after washing), you should build moisture into your hair in between washes. The cycle then begins again after you have washed your hair.
What products to use
You can moisturise your hair with either a spray, lotion or a cream. I tend to use the sprays on clients with soft hair textures, the lotion on soft or medium hair and I always use two different moisturisers on coarse hair textures as this hair texture needs a bit more support. For Coarse hair I use a cream which is the best type of moisturiser to use and then either a spray or a lotion.
'Lock it in'
This moisture must then be 'locked' into your hair using a light oil which will rub off after some time. This means you have the flexibility to keep moisturising throughout the week. Good choices are Sunflower oil and Jojoba oil. I don't recommend thick oils such as Castor oil. Remember that you only need to apply a small amount of moisture to your hair. This is where most people get it wrong as they tend to over oil their hair leaving it greasy. Think about how you would base a pan or a cake tin.
'Up' your moisturising regime
Once your foundation is right and you're moisturising normally throughout the week, assess your hair by feeling its texture. If it's soft and you're happy with it then you should keep going as normal but make sure you check your hair every so often to make sure it's not getting dry.
However If your hair feels dryer then normal you will need to increase your moisturising regime. This is as simple as applying a little bit more moisture to your hair then you normally would. It just gives your hair that extra moisture needed but you should still apply only a small amount of oil to your hair.
Have regular steam treatments
Depending on how dry your hair is I also recommend having regular steam treatments. Don't worry if you never really have them but just one steam treatment every two weeks or once a month can dramatically boost moisture levels in your hair and help reduce hair breakage. I find my hair breaks more in the winter so I try to have a steam treatment once a month until spring. The great thing is that you can treat your hair at home if you can't afford to go to the salon. You just need a really good moisturising treatment, and some plastic heat caps.
Drink water and eat well
You don't have to drink 8 glasses of water a day but it's important to respond to the needs of your body. If you feel dehydrated make sure that you drink some water until you feel better. Eating fruits and vegetables will help to get water into your body but it doesn't mean you can't have treats and I think the key here is to eat a balanced diet.
For more information on black hair care please contact the Black Hair Clinic.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Hutty
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