As a new yoga student, there are a few things you should know to make the best out of your practice when you're just starting out. Each yoga studio will have their own dos and don'ts, however, by following these guidelines you can make the best out of your class and your experience at the studio.
Arrive early
If you're new to the studio, it's best to come early. Arrive half an hour before class begins, since you'll need to complete forms, orient yourself of the studio, and change into your yoga attire. For the regular students, twenty minutes before class gives you plenty of time to change and secure your preferred spot in the studio room.
Take your shoes off
Typically students and instructors walk bare feet in the studio so it's good practice to remove your shoes when you enter. There is a dedicated area usually near the front of the studio where you can place your footwear.
Turn your cell phone off
When you get to the studio, you should put your phone on silent or turn it off. There's nothing worse than hearing a ringing phone during yoga class.
Wear appropriate attire
To achieve the most comfort when practicing, you should select suitable clothing based on the yoga discipline. You should also consider room temperature and length of your class, since some can be as long as ninety minutes. Remember, it's not a fashion show so wear something comfortable.
Listen to your teacher
A yoga instructor is there for a reason. They are there to guide you through the yoga poses. It's distracting when some students are doing their own thing. Listen for instructions and you'll be given the opportunity for variations of the asana.
Be quiet
The practice of yoga is a practice of stillness, focus and mindfulness. Respect other people's practice by being quiet during class.
Don't wear strong scents
A lot of people have a sensitivity to strong scents, especially perfume. Please be mindful of not wearing overpowering smells. this means don't wear perfume or cologne, nor wash your yoga attire and gear in strong detergent. On the contrary, if you're the natural kind of person, please keep your b.o. in check.
Don't go to the washroom during an asana
As much as you can, wait until a period of rest or in between yoga postures to go to the washroom or fill up on water. It's a disruption to the students' practice and flow of the class if you go during an asana.
Leave your stuff in the change room
When there is little room already in the studio, especially during a packed class, it's best to get in the habit of leaving your belongings in the change room.
Allow for savasana
Some students scurry off as soon as class is over. Give yourself a few minutes to do a savasana or corpse posture to seal your practice.
By following the above yoga etiquette, you'll make the best out of your experience in practicing yoga.
For more information on the practice of yoga, or if you want to connect with other yoga students and yoga instructors, visit: http://www.unitedyogis.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Serenity_Hart
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