When you're experiencing PMS, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise or even exert yourself in any way. But the truth is, working out and performing yoga probably the best thing to do for yourself during that time of the month. The following yoga poses can help relieve the unpleasant side effects that come with PMS, such as mood swings, bloating, depression, and stomach cramps.
Although most yoga instructors may encourage a more relaxed sequence of yoga poses containing forward bends during PMS, it's really up to you and what your body is comfortable doing. You may want to include props with these poses as well.
• Reclining Bound Angle pose. Performing this stimulates the lower abdominal region, including the ovaries. It also stretches your inner thighs and groin. Also, because it also helps with better heart circulation, it could also help re-energize you in order to help relieve depression or anxiety. Try using a bolster to support your torso during this pose.
• Reclining Big Toe pose. This pose focuses on the lower body, stretching the thighs, hips, and calves. It also improves digestion and relieves backache and menstrual aches. Try using a strap to keep your leg held in place and hold the pose for two minutes per side.
• Bound Angle pose. Like the reclining bound angle pose, this upright version also stretches many of the lower body muscles, including groin, abdomen, inner things and knees. It also stimulates abdominal organs, including ovaries, which helps relieves symptoms of PMS.
• Head-to-Knee Forward Bend. This pose stretches the spine and stimulates the abdominal organs, including liver, kidneys and ovaries. It also helps relieve anxiety, headache and menstrual cramps. Try supporting your head on a bolster, or a pillow for the less flexible. Hold each side for a maximum of five minutes.
• Seated Forward Bend. Lay a bolster on your legs to support your head. Hold this pose for about three minutes.
• Seated Wide-Angle pose. Set your legs as wide apart as comfortably possible. Place a bolster between your legs wherein to rest your torso. Stretch to each side and hold for about a minute.
• Upward Bow. This inverted bend stretches the chest, lungs, arms, legs, buttocks, spine and abdomen. Try this one supported on a chair. As you sit on the chair and place your legs between the chair back and seat, sit on the edge of the chair and bend back. Try holding the legs below the back of the chair. Knees should be bent and your feet on the floor. You can also have your head supported on a block or bolster. When coming up, do so with an exhale and try to come up using the muscles in your torso, instead of leading with your head.
• Seated Twist. This one you can do right from your office chair. Simply twist far to the right while sitting forward in your chair. Hold the chair back to promote a deeper stretch. Hold for about thirty seconds, repeating on both sides.
Try out these poses in yoga bottoms next time you need some PMS relief.
Contact beyond yoga for your yoga accessory and clothing needs:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=CJ_Jane_Johnson
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