Friday, 22 March 2013

Skin Tag Removal At Home And How To Do It Yourself

By Bunny Warner

A skin tag is a small growth on the skin, it has small dimensions, and it is not painful. Anyway, if the skin tag is positioned in a highly sensitive area, it might be sore, thus you will want to get rid of it. Anyhow, there are skin tags that look horrible too, and in these cases they will need to be removed by any means; the safest option is skin tag removal at home.

One solution would imply following a treatment, which has been recommended by your doctor, but this is not always a good idea, because you will probably need to spend a lot of money. Luckily for you, skin tags can be removed at home, allowing you to save time and money.

Still, you should not begin any sort of treatment, until you know for sure that your skin growth is a tag, and not something else. Skin tags usually have small dimensions, they are never bigger than half an inch, and they develop on long periods of time. Their occurrence is usually related to changes in hormones and weight and they usually appear on the chest, on the neck or on armpits. In case you're not sure if it's a skin tag, you shouldn't remove it unless a doctor gives you permission. If is recommended to follow a series of tests too, in order to find out if you are really healthy, because it has been demonstrated that skin tags are more likely to appear on persons with type 2 diabetes. In such a situation, you should focus on treating the cause, and not the effect. Some of the best ways to remove skin tags, suppose dipping a piece of cotton in Apple Cider Vinegar, and applying it on you growth for a few minutes, or using a heated compress, which needs to be held on its surface, or a combination between these two.

You could also try to remove you skin tags by using a potato, a garlic, or an aspirin. Anyway, you will need to repeat these treatments for several weeks in a row in order to be efficient. But, if you are in a hurry, and you want your tags to disappear faster, you could try something else. If a little pain does not scare you, then you should try to clip your tag off the skin by using scissors, after you have previously tied it around the base with dental floss. However, before trying this, you have to take each piece out of your cutting set, sterilize it, and make sure that the tag, as well as the surrounding area, is clean. People use numerous methods to get rid of their tags these days.

Many people argue that the most efficient way to eliminating a skin tag is by burning it with chemical solutions that can be found in stores. Others recommend tying the base of a tag with dental floss in order to stop the blood flow to this area until the skin tag falls off on its own, while others say that pain can be reduced by holding an ice cube on it before cutting it off. The skin tag removal at home treatments presented above are used by greater numbers of individuals every day, and they are said to be really efficient. Most times, the skin tags come back, and you will need to remove them again. You can try any of these treatments on your own, as longs as you are willing to experience some pain. However, note that none of these methods is a guarantee of success and that you should talk to a doctor before trying any of them.

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