What is Yoga Asana?
Asana means a still body position. Yoga asana refers to various yoga postures which a person does. Everything about yoga asanas could be fetch from a person who has already been teaching yoga as a professional. There are some things which everyone needs to take care of while doing asanas:
-You should do it before having anything in the morning as it affects the best.
-Energy and stress should not be there, and the body should not shiver.
-The head and other parts should be lowered slowly; specially lifted heels should come down slowly.
-Energy and stress should not be there, and the body should not shiver.
-The head and other parts should be lowered slowly; specially lifted heels should come down slowly.
Controlled inhaling and exhaling should be there. It yields much profit if the particular pranayam is performed.
Corpse Pose, Child Pose could be performed to make your body stress free, if in case you are having too much of stress.
They also lower down the head ache.
Types of Yoga:
There are a lot many types of yoga. They are being listed below.
Ananda Yoga: This type mainly is takes care to provide maximum energy to the head by using meditation. This also takes care of lining up of body and also controlled inflow and outflow of air.
Anusara Yoga: Comparatively new, this follows stern values of getting the body in line with a lively spirit. The postures may be tough, but the idea behind it is to do your best and connect with heaven within.
Ashtanga/Astanga Yoga: This style is most asked as it purifies the sweat by producing a lot of heat from the body. It involves coordinate breathing with some series of postures. This provides flexibility, agility, stamina, a proper blood circulation. This is not for beginners.
Bikram Yoga: The method is used in heated environments to avoid any injuries and is all about muscular exercises. It helps in strength, endurance, flexibility and weight loss.
Hatha: Hatha is the easiest form of yoga. The system includes asanas, pranayama, meditation and kundalini. This is to realize your inner self. This form should be used not to contest with others. It's required to be done in calm, stress free mood.
Integral Yoga: This one includes a merged form of postures, breathing work outs, meditation, chanting of prayers, and self realization.
Integral Yoga: This one includes a merged form of postures, breathing work outs, meditation, chanting of prayers, and self realization.
ISHTA: Integral Science of Hatha and Tantric Arts (ISHTA) concentrates on letting the energy channels be opened. It includes posturing, visualizing and meditating.
Iyengar Yoga: The posture is held for a longer duration than in other types of yoga. This form concentrates on getting bit by bit into the pose and then holding it for about a minute. Then resting for breath and then widening into another. Cushions, blankets, and other equipments are used for not so flexible people.
Jivamukti Yoga: It includes challenging and vigorous asanas and promoting scriptural study. This is not regarded much. It includes chanting of Sanskrit, turning to vegan, devotion to God.
Kali Ray TriYoga: It incorporates dance-like moments.
Kripalu: It is the yoga to meet the inner consciousness. It is basically to introspect yourself.
Kundalini: Helps the spine and keeping it straight.
Power Yoga: It includes strength training.
Restorative Yoga: For muscle relaxing by lying down.
Sivananda Yoga: It resembles Integral yoga.
Svaroopa Yoga: Includes chair poses.
Viniyoga: Yoga for recovering from Injuries.
Vinyasa: Breathe and movement.
White Lotus Yoga: A modified version of Ashtanga.
There are many types of yoga that a person can practice to be fit. You can refer to an online website for learning About Yoga Asanas and their benefits on human body.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rinku_Kumar_Garg
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