Cooking classes are on the rise these days. There has been an influx of people who wants to learn how to cook. If you are a professional chef and you have the burning desire to share your gourmet expertise to many, then opening a cooking class is an ideal career path to consider. Starting a cooking class is a win-win decision. You inspire your culinary amateurs to master such art, and you also earn a decent income with such business. Here, are other tips to succeed in your cooking class venture:
1. Research
Knowledge is an invincible tool when starting a new business. It is important to know several things behind organizing a cooking class. Browsing through varied reading materials about culinary classes and food businesses can give you the guidance that you will need.
2. Business Plan
With the sufficed knowledge gained from research, you can advance to the next step which is the formulation of a business plan. In planning, several aspects are given great focus. This includes the materials you need to prepare, the initial budget you have to allocate, the target income you have in mind and the venue for your classes. Rent for establishments with large kitchens.
In addition to that, you must also plan your class size. You must also ponder on how much you will charge your students. You must also plan how long the cooking course transpires in a day and how often is it held in a week.
3. Constructive Criticisms
It is best to consult those who are seasoned and competent in the field of culinary education. Try presenting your business plans to them. You can also ask your family and close friends for their comments and suggestions.
4. Food Safety Certification
With a fixed plan, you can now push through with accomplishing a certification on food safety. This certificate is a requirement in any food business. It testifies your cooking credibility. If you did not undergo any food safety training before conducting a cooking class, then the state can impose serious fines on you.
5. Promotions
Like commercials seen on television, you must also advertise your intentions of conducting a cooking class. You can give out fliers, pamphlets and business cards to entice people to join. You can stick posters on strategic places such as schools, restaurants and grocery shops. It is a marketing technique to offer initial discounts and freebies to encourage more students.
6. Recipe
After all the technicalities, you have to start choosing the recipe you are very familiar with. Make sure that this recipe is a dish you are comfortable teaching and performing in front of your students. Practice in your own kitchen. Take note in a pad paper each and every step. These written steps will be typed out along with the list of ingredients. Both will comprise the printed recipe to be given to your students at the end of the class.
7. Prepare Ahead
Spare yourself from wasted time. Gather all the needed ingredients and utensils before class starts. Make sure that the kitchen cook wares are brought in the venue of the cooking class. Prepare enough food samples ahead of time. The samples give the students the sense of taste to be achieved.
8. Orientation
The actual cooking class day arrives. In starting the class, introduce yourself, your kitchen policies and objectives you want to accomplish at the end of the cooking course. Demonstrate the recipes with ease, passion and panache. Be open to questions and clarifications from your students.
9. Commencement
As the cooking class ends, distribute to your students the printed recipe you have prepared beforehand. This will give your students a dish to practice and to modify at home. A photo of the final dish can also be included.
One man's passion is contagious. Through cooking classes, you can share your passion for food with many. In spite of the challenges, the fulfillment of inspiring an amateur to cook heartily is priceless. Indeed, a brush of research, humble exhibition of your cuisine prowess and a heart that is driven to teach are the basic first steps in the starting a cooking class.
Aria Spencer is a cooking enthusiast and a food writer. To learn more about cooking schools and kitchen recipes, visit her site: http://howtocookingtips.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aria_Spencer
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