Believe it or not, musicians could benefit greatly from getting the right yoga workout in yoga bottoms for women. While sitting in an office all day with little physical activity can be straining to the body, playing musical instruments for hours at a time could cause stress to certain parts of the body as well.
Particularly for professional musicians who play as many is six hours a day or more, not taking care of your body could result in some physical damage in the long-term. For instance, drummers could suffer from slouching shoulders or cellists from neck pain. The way many musicians play, it may require them to get into an asymmetrical posture. With some instruments, this required asymmetrical posture is more extreme than others. Most musicians may end up with a rounded, slouched-forward back as a result from reading sheet music off a music stand. Playing for long periods of time in a chair will also likely cause poor posture. This is where a regular practice of yoga can come into play, bringing strength and flexibility to your upper body and reinforcing your posture.
Start with some easy stretches. These yoga asansas done gradually over time will help with your upper-body. Take small breaks in between playing music to work on a few of these asanas:
· Mountain Pose. This is a great place to start, as it will remind you of proper alignment and posture. It requires that your shoulders sit directly over your hips, and your hips directly over your feet.
· Stretch your arms over head while inhaling, then exhaling as they come back down. Treat your arms to a full range of motion so that you don't fall victim to slouching shoulders over time.
· Warrior I and Warrior II. These poses also stretch the legs, which is beneficial for musicians that sit for long hours.
· Triangle Pose.
· Eagle Arms Pose
· Cow-Face Pose.
· Poses like the Bridge, Cobra, Locust and Sphinx are backbends that fight against the tendency to slouch forward with your shoulders.
The benefits of yoga for musicians don't only come in physical stretches, but also in putting you in a clearer mental state. Yoga puts an emphasis on mental and spiritual health for overall wellness, not just physical health alone. Daily meditation can also improve your focus and creativity. This improvement in mental focus can also help your memory, which could be especially beneficial for musicians that need to remember lyrics or music pages.
Contact a local yoga instructor for more tips on how musicians can get in good shape.
Check out Beyond Yoga for all your yoga needs:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=CJ_Jane_Johnson
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