It seems we're all trying to do our part to help the planet. More people are recycling, composting, and stopping energy leaks at home. But did you know that making your own skin and hair care products is earth-friendly? Here's how.
1. Less packaging in the waste stream.
Imagine all the packaging involved in bringing health and beauty products to your door. There are the glass and plastic containers holding the products themselves. Many containers are then placed in an outer paperboard box, sometimes with a cellophane insert. From the manufacturer to your retail store the products travel in a larger heavy cardboard box. Let's not forget about any literature, coupons, and promotional items that come with the products, and the bag that you may carry the product home in. All of these bottles, boxes, and wrappers quickly add up. Making skin and hair care treatments at home eliminates the need for much of the packaging used in commercial products.
2. Less fuel for transporting items around.
While health and beauty products are usually measured in ounces or milliliters, their packaging adds significantly to their weight. The final destination of the items is usually far from where they were made. Consider the trip a product takes from its manufacturing facility to a warehouse or distribution center and finally to a retail store. Multiply this by the number of skin, hair, and personal care items in a typical home. In a world with limited oil supplies and global warming, it makes sense to create products at home to reduce their impact on the environment.
3. Less toxic and synthetic material in the watershed.
Chemicals from personal care formulas wash down bathroom drains and contaminate bodies of water throughout the United States. For example, phthalates in fragrances cause male hormonal and reproductive system problems. Triclosan in antibacterial soap, toothpaste, and other products produces thyroid damage in animals and, possibly, people. Many other potentially harmful chemicals are used in mass-produced health and beauty products. By using ingredients from the earth, we know they will return to the earth after we wash them down the drain.
As awareness grows, more ways to reduce our impact on the planet come to mind. Making skin and hair care products is less evident than carpooling, but the effort does make a difference, especially when done by millions of people who want to make a difference.
Would you like to learn more? Visit http://www.oldenbuzz.com/ for time-honored skin care resources and recipes. Pamper yourself, control the ingredients in your skin care products, be and feel attractive, and save money. Bring your personal vision of beauty to life with tips from antiquarian books and folk wisdom.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zelda_Oldenbuzz
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