Fasting for weight loss has been a topic of debate for many years. Some believe that it deprives the body of certain nutrients, while others believe that it is a healthy choice and has a myriad of positive health benefits.
One type of fasting which has been getting a lot of recognition for the results it produces is intermittent fasting.
What is intermittent fasting? It is the process of alternating periods of eating with periods of not eating. The amount of time varies depending on which fasting program you choose. A popular fast is 24 hours twice a week.
So why is this process so effective? Following are 3 reasons for its success:
Weight Loss
When fasting for weight loss, you are reducing your overall weekly calorie intake as you are not eating on the days you are fasting. This alone, promotes weight loss because of calorie reduction but in addition to that, your body is utilizing your stored fat supply, which results in a thinner and leaner you.
Eat What You Want (No Strict Diet Plan)
Fasting is not like a typical diet program where you have to constantly count calories or watch what you eat. On the days you are not fasting you eat normally and then significantly reduce or not eat on your fast days. This method reduces the number of calories you are taking in on a weekly basis and promotes healthy weight loss that is sustainable because you are not depriving yourself and can still enjoy the foods you love.
Healthier Lifestyle
Studies have shown that cleansing your body through an intermittent fasting program can lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, and help to ward of diseases such as alzheimer's. It can also increase your metabolism, mental alertness and increases energy levels.
If you want to increase your weight loss results while using this method add in a workout routine. Working out several days a week will help to speed up the amount of weight that you lose. Exercise is also good for your overall health.
While you are not dieting, it would help your results if you tried to eat healthier foods on the days that you are not fasting. This includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, drink ample amounts of water. Water is necessary to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
These are just 3 of the many benefits you will receive when fasting to lose weight. Before beginning any type of fasting program, you should consult with your physician to be sure that it is the right choice for you and your health needs.
To learn more about fasting for weight loss and to get our FREE Report "13 Secrets For Weight Loss Success" visit http://helpmeloseweightnow.org
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_James
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