Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Yoga, Patanjali Style

What is Yoga? Predominantly in Western culture, a misunderstanding exists in the definition of Yoga. Originating in ancient India, rooted in Hinduism and being a spiritual science, it is quite understandable that Yoga is a difficult thing to thoroughly understand AND practice.
Yoga can be defined as: an established set of guidelines and routines that are practiced with the ultimate intention of reaching Oneness. There are different yoga schools of thought and practice, some that have remained unchanged for thousands of years while still being devoutly practiced today.
The eight schools/divisions of Yoga include Kundalini, Mantra, Patanjali, Tantra, Laya, Nada, Swara and Kriya Yoga. However, it is in Patanjali Yoga that a link to ALL schools/divisions of can be found. Patanjali's teachings, or suggestions rather, can be considered a 'code of conduct' for the body-mind-soul unit that assists with elevating individual and collective consciousness to ultimately reach Oneness.
Perhaps the easiest way to 'see' yoga is to imagine an organizational diagram/chart. There could be a president, and below the present the VP and CEO. Branching below them could be the divisional managers and then supervisors, then subdivisions of staff under each.
The same type of diagram can be used to see the STRUCTURE of yoga. Branching down from the cultural, spiritual and scientific platforms are the Yoga schools; Patanjali Yoga can then be broken down into 'Limb' and 'Sutra' divisions and can, again, be broken down from there.
Patanjali Yoga consists of 8 Limbs and 4 Chapters of Sutras:
4 Chapters on Sutras
1) Samadhi (mindfulness) Chapter
- broken down in 51 Sutras
2) Sadhana (practice) Chapter
- broken down in 55 Sutras
3) Vibhuti (manifestation) Chapter
- broken down in 56 Sutras
4) Kaivalya (liberation) Chapter
- broken down in 34 Sutras
8 Limbs
1) Yama (behavior to others)
- broken down to 5 Yamas
2) Niyama (behavior to self)
- broken down to 5 Niyamas
3) Asana (posture, poses)
4) Pranayama (control of breath)
5) Pratyahara (inward concentration)
6) Dharana (one-pointed focus)
7) Dhyana (meditation)
8) Samadhi (reaching oneness and bliss)
So, it could be said that when one goes to a Bikram (Hot) or a Hatha (Flow) Yoga class, they are, in fact, practicing and cultivating limbs of Patanjali Yoga. Bikram Yoga and Hatha Yoga could be considered SUBDIVISIONS of the ASANA limb (postures/poses) of Patanjali Yoga; when practicing focused breathing in yoga class, one is practicing the PRANAYAMA limb (control of breath) of Patanjali Yoga; and when one finishes class with a guided mediation, one practices the DHARANA limb (one-pointed focus) and the DHYANA (meditation) limb of Patanjali Yoga.
That's the beauty of Yoga - the aim of any school is ultimately the same. With so much variety, there is a fit for anyone who is considering beginning or elevating the practice of physical, mental or spiritual exercise. Yoga offers (the best!) ways to cultivate and nourish the body-mind-soul unit - there is no such thing as bad Yoga practice!
May you be blessed with safety, security and a nice surprise!
Anna G Cianci

My Daily Hair Care Regimen With Wavy, 100% Virgin Human Hair Extensions

Virgin Human Hair extensions are the best hair for weaving and braids. In the last 5 years and earlier, Virgin Human Hair extensions have become increasingly popular for the regular and everyday woman. Before these extensions reached the public, Virgin Hair was at one time only sold and provided to celebrities, A-listers, and widely recognized salons and retail locations. I mean this hair was one of Hollywood's best-kept secrets, but now the cat is officially out of the bag. This hair is now out and about under aliases such as Brazilian, Cambodian, Indian, Malaysian, Peruvian, and many more origins. I cannot spill the beans if these hair textures are truly from the country of origin, but I can say that all authentic Virgin Human Hair is fabulous and low maintenance. The most popular style among Virgin Hair is Body Wave Hair. My personal favorite is Brazilian Body Wave!
Body Wave hair is most popular because of its natural wave pattern when dry or wet. Did you know most Virgin Body Wave hair straightens to the bone? Then, just wet it to go wavy all over again. Again, this is why the hair has become so popular and a favorite among Virgin Hair wearers. However, a lot of clients mistake the hair's rich qualities as not having to take care of the hair. All Virgin Human Hair needs care, because the hair is no longer growing from a scalp to provide natural nourishments and proteins. So, this is where this advice will come in handy! I will give you all some quick advice and tips on how to maintain your wavy Virgin Human Hair extensions. Remember taking great care of your hair extensions benefits you in longevity and a more natural looking appearance of your extensions. Carefully maintained Virgin Hair extensions should last up to 1 year or longer! Read the most common and frequently asked questions, and my answer to make your hair extensions last and look their best!
Q: How do I wear my hair to bed?
A: Always sleep with a satin or silk bonnet. Detangle your hair with a wide toothcomb or a wig brush with curved bristles before putting on your hair bonnet. Using a wide-tooth comb or wig brush also prevents snagging and shedding your hair extensions. I also suggest purchasing bendable rollers, sometimes called flexi-rods. These rollers help maintain your waves without using heat. The bendable rollers are perfect for those with busy schedules. By rolling the hair at night, you can save time in the a.m. by just taking out the rollers, and moving on to your make-up!
Q: What should I put on the hair?
A: Less is always best! You can pretty much hide or throwaway any oil sheens, and heavy products you use for your natural hair. Virgin Hair only needs light and featherweight products. If you do not prefer to use bendable rollers in the evening, I suggest using water, a dime-size amount of Moroccan Argan Oil conditioner, and LottaBody hair setting lotion. You can mix these products in a spray bottle, and spray on your hair daily to retain the waviness of the hair. I also use the Moroccan Argan Penetrating Oil for a moisturizing agent for the hair. I apply the oil once every 2 -3 days to my wavy Virgin Human Hair.
Regular shampooing, conditioning, and deep conditioning are also recommended every 7 to 10 days. A salon professional or stylist can also help you out when in doubt of products and techniques to use. YouTube is also a great way to find care and styling tips.
This article is sponsored, and can be sourced at http://www.EffortlessGlam.com. Effortless Glam is an online beauty store and mobile salon. We specialize in educating our customers on hair care for natural hair and hair extensions, ways to promote natural hair growth, and provide the highest quality of imported Virgin Human Hair Weave extensions. If you would like to request us to guest blog or write an article regarding a question you may have about hair and styling, please e-mail Shop@effortlessglam.com.

How Sports and Health Are More Related These Days

Nowadays we find ourselves trapped in what we could call "technology era" with mobile phones, internet and other cool gadgets that are invented just to make our life easier. What we don't see is that we have forgotten to keep in touch with a healthy way of living that includes: enough sleeping hours, a simple diet with regular eating hours and more important exercises.
No matter what is the sport you choose to practice and neither the level of performance, it is important just to give at least one hour daily to a sport activity. It has been proven hundreds of times that exercises do make our bodies look slimmer and healthier, also making our lives longer and happier with endorphins being released in our blood stream after any sport activity. If this is not enough to convince you that health is strongly related to daily sport activity, than we could mention just a few diseases that are provoked by lack of physical activity. Obesity is, of course, in top of these disease and countries like U.S.A. confront with a real national issue with more than a quarter of the total population suffering from these disease.
Obesity is just the beginning in a long row of diseases that includes: heart problems, diabetes or even cancer. With that being said I believe that everyone should really take serious this matter and start exercising before it's too late. Fortunately there are solution to do it anytime and anywhere. It is not necessary to woke up in the middle of the night, to put your jogging shoes and start running on streets. Now we have indoor steppers, running belts and even bicycles. Also it would be great if you could buy one of these machines equipped with sensors that can detect your heart rate as fat is only burned at a at rate of 120-140 beats per minute. Below this value of 120 BPM you will lose water, but as soon as you finish exercising you'll drink it back. Over 140 BPM the proteins burned will be without any oxygen consumption and your fat deposits will stay the same. Better check this carefully as lots of people do exercises with little results leading to sport activity abandon and disappointments that the every try is doomed to failure.
I also run a website about Cheap Floor Lamps [http://www.cheapfloorlampsshop.com/index.html] where you can purchase Cheap Floor Lamps.
I also run a website about Vintage Salt Shakers [http://www.vintagesaltandpeppershakersshop.com/index.html] where you can purchase Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers.

Why Sweat It? There Is Help for Excessive Sweating

Do You Have Hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is the term used to define perspiration in excess of the amount necessary to maintain your normal body temperature. It usually begins in those younger than 25 and lasts a lifetime unless treated. Even toddlers can shows signs of the condition.
Most patients report a family history of it and it is believed to be a genetic disease. The armpits are the most common location of involvement, followed by the palms and feet. It tends to affect both sides of the body in a symmetric fashion. Sometimes the face, scalp or other areas are afflicted, but these are the minority of cases unless there is underlying medical condition.
And because excessive sweating can signify everything from cancer and tuberculosis to simple hyperhidrosis, it is important to discuss it with your doctor.
Let's meet a few of the typical patients who suffer with hyperhidrosis. There is the young lady absolutely paralyzed over what prom dress will best hide her soaked armpits on the big night. The salesman who neurotically ensures he is holding something to avoid having to give sweaty handshakes. And the adult woman who wakes every day with the problem of how many layers she can mix and match to hide her drenched armpit rings from the world.
In the Air Force our daily uniforms were light blue shirts, and nothing quite accentuates armpit sweat rings like light blue fabric. In a world where military-bearing and appearance are paramount, excessive sweating could be a career killer. I'll never forget the battle-hardened sergeant who wept tears of gratitude after a few easy treatments dried his underarms out.
Left-handed people, usually students, are especially affected. As they write, their damp hand is dragged across the paper. This can smear their handwriting and they often get blamed for "sloppy work." Sometimes even gripping a pencil is problematic. To further enforce the insecurity of being sweaty, there is even a website featuring unflattering pictures of celebrities with glistening palms and dripping underarms.
Our sweat is made mostly of water and salt with trace electrolytes. Baseball players will often appreciate a white crusty ring of salt in their caps from evaporated sweat.
Our sweat cools us and regulates our body temperature. And since panting like a dog makes one appear lecherous, sweating is the method of choice in humans. The average person can sweat up to about 3 to 4 liters per hour while exercising. This results in tremendous electrolyte loss and, in turn, tremendous profits for Gatorade.
As our presidential election looms, it may be worth remembering what infamous role sweating played in the 1960 election. In the country's first televised presidential debate, Richard Nixon refused to wear makeup against all advice. John F. Kennedy's team, being more media savvy, powdered up their candidate. The hot studio lamps had Nixon looking nervous and shifty as he repeatedly dabbed the sweat from his face throughout the debate. Kennedy came off looking cool and calm, and the rest is history. Nixon's sweaty and unsteady appearance is still taught in political science classes as a case study in televised debate. From various reports I've read about his life, it is not inconceivable to believe Nixon suffered from hyperhidrosis before the condition had been given a name.
If you have excessive sweating you may want to look at your deodorant. Try to ensure you have a combination antiperspirant and deodorant. Deodorants are simply fragrances to hide our natural scent. Antiperspirants actually block the sweat ducts and keep you dry.
Most contain aluminum or zirconium salts that clog pore openings and indirectly tell the gland to stop making sweat. They should be applied to dry skin for maximum benefit. If applied to wet skin (either from sweat or showering), the aluminum salts combine with the water to make hydrochloric acid. If you've ever experienced irritation from your antiperspirant, this is probably why. Interestingly, most antiperspirants are sold in America. The rest of the world evidently buys deodorant but doesn't place the same social emphasis on being dry.
I've witnessed swampy armpits on Monday turn Sahara dry on Friday. Effects can be enjoyed for up to eight or nine months before having to battle the insurance company for re-treatment. Several other solid treatments exist that don't involve injections, and you should talk with your dermatologist about these. In extreme cases, a surgeon can clip the nerves to your sweat glands but this often makes other areas just sweat more in a compensatory reaction. Luckily there are many less dramatic treatments to try first.
And like anything in life, a little humor goes a long way. I have a male patient whose favorite pickup line with the ladies used to be, "Ever since I laid eyes on you, I just can't stop this sweating!" Needless to say, he is happy to have moved on to other tactics since his hyperhidrosis is now controlled.
Dr. Derrick Adams is a board-certified dermatologist, inventor of Sasquatch Itch Cream, and the Medical Director of Vita Dermatology and Laser Institute, a division of Lassen Medical Group in Red Bluff. His office can be reached at 528-VITA

The Health Benefits of Sunflower Oil

Many people have this idea that sunflower oil is automatically bad for you and that it is unhealthy. There may be cases where that is so such as when frying oil is reused or has been obtained from unsavoury cooking oil companies. The truth is that the right kind of cooking oil can be beneficial to your health and is not as detrimental as people may think. How can I say that, you ask? Let me explain it in more detail.
Sunflower oil is one of the most widely consumed cooking oil in the world. While there are some cooking oil manufacturers that just develop oil for quick sales, there are also those manufacturers who take great care during the manufacturing process. They choose the best sunflower seeds and filter the bad ones out of the batch. They use the best machinery to draw the oil out of the sunflower seed. They ensure that the refined sunflower oil is clean and a clear golden yellow colour. The sunflower oil that is bottled after this process is of a healthy nature. It is naturally cholesterol free and low in fat. Your body requires a minimal amount of daily unsaturated fats for energy consumption.
The only time when the health benefits of sunflower oil fall away is when it is reused. Frying oil should never be reused. If you have fried chips in a batch of cooking oil, it is best to dispose of the oil in an environmentally friendly way. Do not be tempted to use it again. It may still look good but you have exposed the oil to another ingredient, the chips. You have infused the oil with the chips particles and, consequently, have introduced impurities. When you use it again, it won't be a pure and clean cooking oil. This is where people fall prey to the unhealthy nature of an impure cooking oil. Be careful of this because there are many take-away restaurants and cafes that use this technique of reusing oil. Be sure to check their credentials and choose a take-away restaurant that puts the customer's health first.
I always advise people to use pure and clean sunflower oil. In that way you can be assured of its health benefits. It can be used in your general cooking on a daily basis and you will remain healthy (provided it is coupled with healthy eating habits and regular exercise). There are only positive reasons to use sunflower oil.
Our core focus at Golden Fry is to provide specially customized cooking oil products and services to Restaurants, Take-Aways, Food Manufacturers, Caterers, Wholesalers, Supermarkets and Spaza Shops. We are an approved used oil collector.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Ashtanga "Power" Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga (also known as Power Yoga or Vinyasa Yoga) is a modern day form of classical Indian Yoga. It was popularized by Sri K.Pattabhi Jois who began his Yoga studies when he was just 12 years old. In 1948 he established an institute for teaching this specific Yoga practice.
Ashtanga Yoga literally means "eight limbed Yoga", (Ashtanga is Sanskrit for 'eight-limbed'), and refers to the eight spiritual practices (as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras) on the path of internal purification which lead to revealing the Universal Self. They are Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-purification and study), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sense control), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (absorption into the Universal). According to Sri K.Pattabhi Jois - While the first four limbs are considered external cleansing practices (with correctable defects), the last four (Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi) are considered internal cleansing practices (with defects potentially dangerous to the mind unless following the correct Ashtanga method).
Ashtanga Yoga makes use of a sequence of Asanas which are linked with the breath, generating heat, facilitating flexibility and giving a healthy sense of wellbeing. Synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures produces intense internal heat with a profuse purifying sweat detoxifying muscles and organs. Improved circulation, calm mind and a strong body are among many benefits gained from this modern practice.
Techniques include deep resonant Ujjayi breathing, activation of the Bandhas (internal points of engagement and focus which direct energy upward) and the use of Dristhi (directing the eye to focus on specific points). These techniques eliminate external distractions and direct the energy inwards. The Vinyasa (or link through flowing movement), done between Asanas produces an uninterrupted continuity, in effect a 'moving meditation'.
To perform Asana correctly in Ashtanga Yoga, one needs to incorporate both the use of Vinyasa and Tristhana. Vinyasa synchronizes breathing and movement in the Asanas, heating the blood, relieving joint pain and removing toxins from the internal organs. Trishana refers to the union of the 'three places of attention' (posture, breathing and looking) and covers three levels of purification (body, nervous system and mind). They are always performed in conjunction with one another.
The breathing technique performed with Vinyasa is called Ujjayi (victorious breath) and consists of puraka (inhalation) and rechaka (exhalation). Both should be steady and even with the length of the inhale being the same as the length of the exhale. Over a period of time, the lengths and intensities should increase, with increased stretching of the breath initiating increased stretching of the body.
Bandhas are important components of the Ujjayi breathing technique. Bandha means 'lock' or 'seal' and its purpose is to unlock Pranic energy, directing it into the 72 000 energy channels of the subtle body.
Dristhi is the point at which one gazes when performing Ashtanga Yoga. There are nine Dristhis (Forehead, nose, navel, thumb, hands, feet, up, right and left).
The four internal cleansing practices (Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Sanadhi) bring the wandering mind under control. When purification is complete, and mind control occurs, the Six Poisons (desire, anger, delusion, greed, sloth and envy) surrounding the spiritual heart will disappear, revealing your true Universal Self, eventually leading to the full realization of Patanjali's Eight-Limbed Yoga.
Famous actor Willem Dafoe, who played the Green Goblin in the movie Spider-Man, is a dedicated Ashtanga Yoga Practitioner.
This article was originally published on The Yoga Plane. Explore more - read "Meditation on The Yoga Plane" at http://www.theyogaplane.co.za/what-is-yoga/meditation-on-the-yoga-plane/

Best Health Tips Ever

Thousands of books have been published and millions of articles have been written about weight loss as everyone seems to be singing the same mantra. It gets difficult for the reader to assess the credibility of the various weight loss programs that can be found both offline and online. Therefore, no more space or time is going to be wasted in writing down another version of the best weight loss diet. Here, you are only going to find the best health tips that you can rely on.
The health tips mentioned here are logical and they work best with everyone (excluding people with serious illnesses and those who are on high medications). These tips are simple advices to make your life a healthy one and are about ways to exclude harmful elements from your life. So let's begin,
· One of the best health tips that anyone can give you is to correct your eating and sleeping routine. You might not believe it to be important as long as you are completing the 8-hour count, but it is true. There is no harm in late-night partying once in a while, but you must try to build up a daily routine where you go to bed on time to get a fresh start for the next day.
· Secondly, drink plenty of liquids. The liquids that are referred to here are water and fresh fruit juices or smoothie and not the artificially flavoured concoction found in tetra-packs. Our body is mostly water and as such it can be rightly named as the primary fuel of the body. Once you start drinking the required amount of water, you are going to note that you have become more agile and that you don't tire so easily. Moreover, it is also going to fill up the space in your tummy, leaving out less room to put in the junk. But there is another significant benefit of drinking good amounts of water and that is that it allows and facilitates the flushing of toxins from the body which can become the number one cause of fat storage.
· Thirdly, you must remember that you should treat your body with fresh food substances instead of going for the processed and ready made ones. Consider it as a bar of standard, the fresher and more organic food, you eat, the more benefits you gain and if you go for packaged and tinned foods to which many chemicals have been added then you are going down the line to destructive health. So, consume more fresh fruits and vegetables and go for beans, nuts and lentils instead of opting for boxed cereals and microwave meals.
Here were three of the most useful health tips that not only you, but anyone can follow and you can find more at http://www.weightlosingtips4u.com/. By following these basic rules, you are setting up the right base for whichever fitness regime you are going to choose ahead. Whether you want to lose weight, start strength training or even body building, these are health tips to follow.

Smart Eating And Weight Loss

The pounds have piled up; the pants are getting too tight. It is high time to start losing off the extra weight. Planning right from the beginning makes it easier to succeed in your weight loss plans.
Keep track of what you eat and the type of exercise you do every single day. Write everything down in your journal. This gets things organized and you will be better motivated to continue on.
Cooking your own meals let you have total control over what to put into your body. No more extra oily, salty or sweet food from cafes and restaurants to tempt you and make you stray from your diet. Get some good cookbooks promoting healthy weight loss recipes, some basic cookware and you are well on your way to healthy cooking. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results.
When shopping for groceries, be sure to check the calories count and list of ingredients listed on the food packages. Do not be misled by advertisements such as natural, sugar-free and non-fried. Look at the fine prints. Every little bit counts towards your weight loss goals.
Eat smaller portions at each meal. Invest in smaller size plates to make sure you are not tempted to eat more. Less food on a bigger plate might give you the impression that you are not eating enough and end up taking more food. Just make sure you are having well-balanced meals, even though smaller portions.
The occasional deviation from your diet is no big deal. Being too strict might lead to stress and this is not good for your weight loss plans. You might get so frustrated and just give up. Stress can also lead to binge eating.
Sticking to the same old food day in and day out can be boring and uninspiring. Try healthy food from around the world right at home. Some of them can be easy to cook in your home kitchen.
Eating your main meals in front of the TV, work table or computer screen is a typical bad habit among some of us. It is difficult to be eating healthily this way and besides it is bad for your digestion. If you must be munching on some food while working, munch on carrot sticks instead.
Poor food choices, unhealthy snacks and too much fast and processed food not only lead to an expanding waistline but also clogged arteries. Taking control of the way you eat can lead to positive weight loss and a healthy body.
Do visit the site http://bestcookwareset.org and get these beautiful safe cookware as companions in your healthy weight loss diet plans.

Benefits of Using Natural Hair Care Products

The effectiveness of 100 % natural hair care products is well known to most people, since they are surprisingly effective in solving many hair and scalp problems, including reducing hair loss and improving untamed hair. They are also perceived as being free from negative side-effects and may deliver extra health rewards.
Balanced diet routines abundant in nutritional vitamins and minerals really are a must for hair health and wellness. In this regard, 100% natural products are receiving increased popularity after many years of being overlooked.
All-natural hair care products happen to be popular for both external and internal use. In addition, they have less probability of causing over-treatment and they rarely over-dry or over-condition your hair.
Products in stock in salons and spas and additionally around shop counters are never usually 100% natural, because, for better results and upkeep problems, they need to include a certain amount of unnatural ingredients. The synthetic products can even provide better frothing, cleaning and emulsifying than entirely natural products. However, you can make some natural hair care products that are completely natural.
An individual might have come across some organic hair growth products and equaled that with all-natural hair growth products. Nevertheless, they are actually different. Organic does not always mean natural. You can prepare organic products artificially and those products may not always be safe, gentle and effective.
Some synthetic shampoos are the cause of some people's hair conditions, therefore, going natural has so many benefits.
Some Natural Hair Care Products
You could make your own - Rosemary and Sage:
These are very good natural hair enhancers. Boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock and use in the hair. This will strengthen your hair.
Jojoba Oil: It keeps your scalp healthy and free from skin diseases. It controls dandruff. Jojoba oil is also a great moisturizer for your hair.
Aloe Vera: It balances the pH level of scalp and heals by cleaning the pores. Shampoo made up of aloe vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk is a great hair enhancer.
Hair Oil Stimulating Aromatherapy Treatment
Alopecia is defined as a hair loss disease that effects men, women and children. The onset of hair loss is often sudden, random and frequently recurrent.
This natural treatment is made by blending oils reputed to stimulate hair growth and promote healthy hair. Although no scientific tests have been done to prove this is a natural remedy for alopecia it is a very popular line with some great feedback when used to stimulate growth or simply to revive tired and unhealthy looking hair.
For greasy hair - Shampoo with lemon, geranium & tea tree. The goodness of natural oils and absence of these additives means that after a week or so of regular use, you should find your hair and scalp healthier and find that you don''t need a separate conditioner.
For dry hair - If your hair looks dull and knots easily, plus you easily get split ends, then consider adding one of these essential oils to your shampoo. Just add a few drops. These particular essential oils stimulate the sebaceous glands in the scalp, which helps produce
more oil.
Try: Lavender, Rosemary, Sandalwood or Geranium Essential Oil.
Make a natural, repairing hot oil treatment for your hair using lavender and rosemary.
You will need 59.1ml sweet almond oil, 1 tsp wheat germ oil, 1/2 tsp lecithin, 15 drops of lavender essential oil, 15 drops of rosemary essential oil and 14.8ml avocado oil. Combine all of the ingredients in a plastic bowl, and blend well until they have all mixed together thoroughly.
Place the mixture in a glass jar, then put in hot water to warm it up. You can also warm it up in the microwave by placing it in a microwave-safe bowl. To use, apply all over damp hair from root to tips and let it soak in for about 20 minutes. Rinse out with warm water and shampoo.
Have fun, experiment, you just might be amazed with the results!
Thank you for reading my article. I look forward to bringing you more.
You can browse all our natural beauty, skin, hair and body products at http://www.gifts-and-collectables.biz. You are welcome to take 10% off your order with code 'EZ10'

Art, Business and Legacy of Beauty

There are many people in America who believe that they do not have time for art. My response to them is that, if America has the time for - right-wing radio talk shows, tele-evangelists, political correctness, personality psychology and global warming deniers - then it most certainly has the time for art, which consumes much less resources than any such things and affectuates far greater utility.
The Renaissance Italy, with a population of 3 million and per capita GDP of $1,000 a year, had the time and the resources for Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Cathedral, and any number of timeless masterpieces. America, with a population of 300 million and per capita GDP of $45,000, has the human and material resources for 300 Sistine Chapels. Why then do we not see works of similar caliber being produced?
Much of it is a result of anti-artistic thinking. There are people in America who believe that there is no value for art. Yet these same people think that there is value in things that are much more expensive than art and that are ultimately destrucive - things such as right-wing radio talk shows, tele-evangelists, political correctness, personality psychology and global warming denier industry.
Another contributing factor is a hostility that we see between some in art and some in business. A lot of artists see businessmen as scoundrels, and a lot of businessmen see artists as bums. That does not have to be. Art and business should work together; and when it does work together - as was the case in 1920s - the result is a legacy of embodied beauty. In 1920s, there were any number of beautiful buildings and machinery produced, such as the Chrysler Building and the Packard. Are we less talented than the people in 1920s? Absolutely not. There has just been a lot of stupidity on this issue, which stupidity it falls up to people like me to address.
If people in 1920s, or during the Italian Renaissance, could produce great works of beauty, then so can the contemporaries. There is more wealth now in the world than at any time in history, and some of this wealth should go to creating beauty. Beautiful buildings, beautiful machinery, beautiful paintings, beautiful interiors, beautiful literature, beautiful film, beautiful music, beautiful software, are all things that people today can easily afford. Much more so than either during the Italian Renaissance or in 1920s.
The more beauty is produced, the less resources need to go to psychologists, preachers and practitioners of political correctness to destroy people's longing for beauty. The more money is saved, and the greater benefit is achieved. Not only does this make sense aesthetically, it also makes sense economically. For what is a pittance in terms of contemporary wealth, can be created an enormous legacy of beauty. And that would not only benefit the contemporaries; it would also benefit the memory of the contemporaries in the minds of the future generations. They will look at all the beauty that has been created and thank the people who have created it. We will have achieved a proud legacy.
Instead of fighting each other, the businessman and the artist should work together. Every time they did in the past, the results have been spectacular. Ultimately both the businessman and the artist are a part of the same pursuit: To create benefit and add to life. The businessman actualizes humanity's productive potential, and the artist actualizes humanity's creative potential. And it's time that both parties see that about one another and learn to get along.
When the creative and the productive work together, the result is embodied beauty. And that will not only benefit the contemporaries. It will create a glorious legacy for the contemporaries that future generations will honor and seek to rise to the challenge that it sets.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

10 Incredible Health Tips for Women

As women, we tend to forget about our bodies. We spend a ton of time working, caring for our families, and catering to the whims of others but - sadly - we neglect ourselves. The reality of the situation is that we'll only ever get one body, so we should really be making more time to slow down, step back, and take care of ourselves. Making changes shouldn't be difficult, nor should it be dramatic. Simply take it one step at a time, altering a habit here and there. Before you know it, you'll feel healthier than ever and will have more time and energy to share with the ones you love. Here are some health tips to consider.
Understand Your Family History
A startling number of women know everything they need about their family health history. The reality of the situation is that your doctors will want to know about instances of illness, especially cancer and heart disease, so that they can determine if you are at higher risk for the development of certain ailments. Make it your job to know about the history of illness in your family - especially when it comes to your siblings, parents, and grandparents.
Go for a Walk
Most doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Did you know that exercise will not only help you to lose (or maintain) weight but can help you to age at a slower rate as well? Stress is a terrible thing and getting some exercise will help you to maintain a healthier metabolism while remaining relaxed and focused. Not motivated to go for a walk? Talk to a personal trainer about creating an exercise routine.
Take Care of Your Eyes
Do you spend the majority of your time in front of the computer screen at work? If so, you'll want to take some time away from the screen to exercise your eyes. Some eye doctors recommend walking away from the computer and focusing on something at a far distance, like a picture down the hall. Others recommend doing some eye exercises, including eye rolls and looking left to right in succession. Adjust the brightness of your monitor as well, if you can. Doing so will decrease some of the strain you're putting on your eyes.
Eat Breakfast
You've probably heard it before but you'll hear it again - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You've just spend a significant amount of time sleeping - the longest time between meals you ever go in a 24 hour period. Your body is in starvation mode and you need to eat to get things working properly again - and to avoid fat storage later on. Besides, you'll need that fuel to get your kids and spouse out the door before you start your day.
Ditch the Artificial Sweeteners
There are plenty of studies comparing the effects of real sugar versus artificial sweeteners. At the end of the day, artificial sweeteners do have less (ok, zero) calories but they're not necessarily better for you. The chemicals and sweetness will fool your body into expecting a sweet treat and can actually lead you to begin craving sugary foods. It's better to use real sugar in moderation than it is to load up on artificial alternatives.
Add Fish Oil to Your Diet
You should never add supplements to your diet without talking to your doctor first but you should talk to your physician about taking fish oil. Fish oil has been found to reduce general inflammation and can reduce the risk of heart disease as well. It's also great for the health of your hair and skin.
Stop Smoking
Sorry, ladies - but we had to say it. You simply need to stop smoking. A little bit of time - time you could spend with your family and loved ones - is shaved off of your life expectancy for every cigarette you smoke. Talk to your doctor about which cessation tools, like the nicotine patch or gum, might work best for you. You might even want to consider trying hypnosis, therapy, or a support group. Finding a new fitness program may help you to alleviate some of the stress associated with quitting, too.
Drink Plenty of Water
Your body needs water. Period. End of statement. A dehydrated body cannot function properly. You need water to hydrate your cells, to flush toxins out of your body, and for energy. As a woman, you should be drinking at least 8-12 cups of water each day. Add an extra cup of water for each cup of caffeine you drink.
Reduce Your Sodium Intake
Doctors and health organizations have spent a lot of time educating the public about the dangers associated with sodium (salt) consumption. Try to scale back your sodium intake by cutting out salty snacks and foods. Talk to your doctor about adding a potassium supplement to your diet as well. Potassium can help to counteract the sodium in your system, preventing complications like high blood pressure.
Take Some Time Off
When's the last time you scheduled a vacation day or - uh - called our sick? Maybe it's time to come down with a cold, curl up in bed, and relax with a book and a cup of hot tea - all day long. Seriously, though. Most women feel so pressured at work they hesitate to take a sick day, even when they really do need one. Don't let your employer make you feel guilty about taking some time off when you are ill. Your body needs time to heal and recover and pushing yourself to work will only make you feel worse.
You deserve the very best in life, and that includes a healthy, rested body. Make some time for yourself, review your diet and exercise habits, and get plenty of rest. You'll be living a healthier life in no time flat.
By infusing life coaching with elite personal training techniques, Dennis Carroll from Premier Personal Training in West Chester, PA is helping women and men get their fit bodies back one by one.

The Various Benefits of Yoga

The popularity of yoga has increased tremendously throughout the world. This is mainly because of the many benefits that have been associated with it. This practice involves uniting the body mind and spirit, and it is recommended for individuals who would like a stress-free lifestyle. In fact, there are a lot of medical practitioners who recommend this practice in the alleviation of common diseases and symptoms.
For one to fully enjoy its benefits, genuineness, self-restraint, compassion and mental strength as well as selflessness are necessary. An individual who embraces this practice will enjoy more fulfillment in both their physical and spiritual lives. Yoga classes are also known for the emotional benefits that they offer. This is through the practice of breathe control and meditation which helps people to achieve inner peace and stability.
This practice also offers a lot of health benefits to individuals. People with back problems can attest to the fact that the pain is less. Individuals who have issues with their nerves also feel better after a class. Furthermore, the practice also helps to increase vitality in individuals as well as their energy levels. The various positions help the body to free itself from ailments. There are even some positions that can help in the prevention of certain diseases. People who take these classes will notice that their blood pressure is normal and that their blood circulation is also better.
Overweight individuals will realize that classes help them a lot to adapt to the dietary and lifestyle changes necessary for weight loss. They will also find it easier to alleviate some of the symptoms of obesity-related diseases such as diabetes and heart problems. Other diseases that this practice can help reduce include depression, ulcers, panic attacks and anxiety. The classes are usually recommended for people who are pregnant as well as it helps their body to attain the level of flexibility and vitality necessary for child birth.
Yoga is a great way to exercise for individuals who would like to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The poses are many, with some being simpler than others. Therefore, the person will never be bored of doing the same old positions during each class. In the end, they will notice that their body has more endurance and that their back and spine are more flexible. This will make it easier for their body to get rid of any toxins and they will be able to have better control of their weight.
The classes teach various types of yoga and it is advisable for individuals to do their homework in order to find out the type that is right for them. They can experiment in different classes or even speak to the teachers in order to understand exactly what the classes focus on. This will help them to make the most out of their classes. Those who do not have time to go for classes can purchase instruction videos which will guide them through the process from the comfort of their home. Regardless of the option they choose, they will be able to reap a lot of benefits from this practice.
I am an avid researcher who enjoys writing on a number of topics including fitness, health, beauty, exercise, entertainment, sports, travel and leisure among others.

The Beauty of Doing Nothing

During the warmer months, I find that laboring away in the mirror in order to look good is at the bottom of my list. Meaning, I want to use as few products as I possibly can to get the job done-so, uncomplicated but effective is a must. Taking my minimalistic routine one step further, uncomplicated can also mean stripping down my beauty stash to products with fewer and more natural ingredients.
For my dry skin, synthetic moisturizers just don't seem to hold up after an hour or two of heat exposure and often leave my skin feeling even drier than before. One of my favorite body hydrators is pure coconut oil. Not only does it nourish and revitalize the skin but it leaves you feeling soft and smooth all day... this means no alligator elbows or dry feet either! You can find a variety of brands at health food stores or Whole Foods.
To stave away dry skin on my face and soften those dreaded expression lines I rely on John Masters Organics Pomegranate facial nourishing oil. Just a few drops of this oil made from a blend of fourteen oils including olive, geranium and primrose keep my skin fresh and glowing.
Back when I had my beauty boutique one of our top-selling body products was Juara Invigorating Coffee Scrub and this little number is still one of my all- time favorites for sloughing off dead skin! Plus, it naturally contains caffeine which helps reduce cellulite and stimulates the circulation... but the best part, it's made with sustainable Indonesian coffee and it's smells like a yummy mocha. What could be better?
In my twenties I could go sans foundation, but these days that isn't exactly a smart option, so during spring and summer I seek out the most lightweight base that still provides some coverage. Alison Raffaele makes the perfect organic foundation and powder that helps even out my complexion and ensures I don't end up looking a fright after a few hours of heat. There are also plenty of anti-oxidants to help feed the skin without all the icky stuff like parabens and synthetics.
And lastly one of my favorite organic cosmetic lines RMS makes these pretty little lip-2-cheek pots that are completely free of chemicals and come in six killer shades. I adore the berry toned shade " Modest" for summer, but each one I have tried is a winner.
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"Beauty and Style Expert and Makeup Artist Mentor Diane Aiello teaches clients easy and practical ways to look and feel gorgeous from head to toe and helps makeup artists take their beauty businesses to the next level. Her work has appeared in Vanity Fair, Allure, Glamour, Elle and Marie Clare magazines, and on sheknows.com, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox. For more tips http://www.mybeautymuse.com